Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch is a short, concise introduction of your business (or yourself) to communicate who you are, the value you offer, and what makes you unique. Below are a couple templates to help you craft your own pitch; try to keep it to 90 seconds or less.


Business Elevator Pitch

The [Name of your company/organizationoffers [product/serviceto [customers/clientswho seek [benefit].

Unlike [competition/substitution], we [differentiator]. 

We [state notable recognition, award, or credential].


To follow the "Why, How, What" golden circle model, the template below might be more effective.

The [Name of your company/organization] believes [why you do what you do]  and we strive to accomplish this through [how you do what you do] and offer [product/serviceto [customers/clientswho seek [benefit].

Unlike [competition/substitution], we [differentiator]. 

We [state notable recognition, award, or credential].


Personal Elevator Pitch

Your three-part elevator pitch communicating who you are and the value you offer.


(Option A)
Hi, my name is [your name]. I specialize in [area of expertise] with a degree in [program of study] from [education institution].

(Option B)
Hi, my name is [your name]. I specialize in [area of expertise] with [number] years of  [industry] experience.



I am [specific skill, qualification, or experience that differentiate you from your competition] and [example of how you used that skill to create success/results; numbers are best if possible to use when stating results].



I’m looking to [state your objective, aligning yourself with the position in which you are interviewing] as I transition to [reason for making a change—why do you want to work for this company or why is this or this is a better career fit].